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Join date: May 8, 2022


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What is up Youtubers! I'm Jerry the Mining Monkey! I'm a nuggetshooter and coinshooter. I have been Metal detecting for over 20 years and quite simply it's probably one of my favorite hobbies to date next to golfing. I have been a Whites Exclusive users ( too bad their out of business now) for over 19 years with just recently within the last 2 years trying out different brands. Each Maker has their strengths and weaknesses but I have found that it all depends on your environment, preferences, budget.These 3 factors will dictates "your" success. Example you buy a metal detector that is just always running extremely hot and sensitive to your ground and you can't adjust it because you bought what your budget allowed you to buy, so that in turn may prompt you to spend a little more on a machine that you can finally customize and ground balance to your surrounding hot ground and eventually brings you success. The name Jerry the Mining Monkey came to me when someone told me that metal detecting was so easy a monkey can do it. Really? not sure about that.

Jerry The Mining Monkey

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